
World of warcraft pet explanation

In my previous post I mentioned farming Jadefang for the WOW Gold pet drop, Tiny Shale Spider. I cannot advocate you doing this enough. Based on pet farming forums as well as my own personal experience farming this week, his spawn timer is anywhere from 12-24 hours. I have a dual farmer that I'm not using near the end of this expansion and he's parked out there, and whenever I see the guy spawn I send another alt to learn it.

In the comment section in that post, a question was asked if having extra of the Tiny Shale Spider in your bags will let you sell it come Mop. While I don't doubt that you will be able to sell the extras already learned across toons, and may be able to relearn it with this if you cage your "last one", I'm not sure Blizzard will allow it in the long run. That being said though, I will be camping this spawn (now that I've gotten it on all the alts I can) and getting as many as possible.

I spent a lot of time this week building up a stockpile of leather transmog. I'm treating this like all my other transmog at the moment, I'm still posting what I buy, but I'm buying at higher prices than I was willing to, hoping that the 50% increase in Leather wearers come Mop will boost sales. I don't think you can really lose this bet, whether it gets bought by monks or not, transmog sales in general are going to go up when people flock back to the game.

I'm also stockpiling the pets I mentioned in my last post (linked at top of page). I don't want to give people a set price they should buyout at, but keep an eye on the market. From my experience people aren't selling, and reduce prices. Wait until they get to a price range that is comfortable for you.

I'm also cleaning up what's left of my shuffle mats, stocking up on Hypnotic Dust and the like. I want to get all of it done before Mop release, because once it's released I think my gold per hour will be raised significantly higher and I don't want to waste my time in the Cata shuffle.

