
Game hobby of military fans

The world’s longtime and slightly disturbing zombie fetish continues as DayZ, a popular mod for the military simulation PC game ArmA II, is being develop as its own separate game. Bohemia Interactive, developers of ArmA II and the DayZ mod, stated on the game’s tumblr: “This is the fairy-tale outcome for a mod that many would have said impossible four months ago.

Development and updates of the mod will continue in parallel with the development of the game, so anyone who is playing the mod now will be able to continue to do so. The project will follow the Minecraftdevelopment model; fast iterations with the community alpha available for a heavily discounted price. ”

Dean Hall will be lead developer on the project, and like its predecessors, DayZ will be a standalone PC exclusive. Kotaku considered the game as possibly “the greatest zombie game ever made. ” The positive fan response to the news appears to support the statement.If you need some runescape game currency, please visit:http://www.wersgold.com

