
The Burning Legion to Tera Money Azeroth infiltrate

  They helped the High Elves to expel the invading goblins of Lordaeron and in return the high elves taught people magic. But some use it foolishly, allowed the Burning Legion to Tera Money Azeroth infiltrate. As a result of armed guards to Tirisfal incredible powers in place to protect the races of Azeroth. Unfortunately they have not managed to save Azeroth from destruction by an invading army of orcs in the year the 583rd human Horde persisted in their attacks on humans are successful in many battles, and took a great Hamlet.

  A circle of human warriors attacked the input source of the Horde in Azeroth, Medivh meninges of the tower and piracy of the corrupt director of the death. Human beings were finally overcome only Doomhammer orc clan chieftain of thunder was responsible for making the horde Goldshire and Northshire Abbey Moonbrook before finally taking Stormwind and absolutely beyond the kingdom of Stormwind. The rest of the humans, led by Lord Lothar, escaped across the great sea of ​​Azeroth to Lordaeron. After pleading their case to King Terenas was a pact among the seven human nations of Azeroth, Lordaeron, Stromgarde, Kul Tiras, Gilneas, Dalaran and Alterac form a unique partnership, under the command of General Lord Lothar.

  Six years later, the orcs have remained in Lordaeron and humans quickly secured with the high elves of Quel'Thalas, the adaptation of the alliance. The Alliance launched a major part of the invasion WOW Gold of Quel'Thalas, with the help of the Knights of the Silver Hand} {Paladin warrior clan, forcing the Horde to Azeroth. Unfortunately, many of the Elves of the kingdom was destroyed in the process. Peace was brought to the northern lands, but leaders of the United Nations Human began to question the value of the Alliance.

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