
What is lucrative

While social and mobile gaming have taken off around the world, how best to monetize those games has remained something of an open question. One company, Jampp, has found a way to monetize users without forcing them to spend money, or feed them ads that they don’t want to see.

Instead, Jampp allows users in games to voluntarily view advertisements, in return for in-game currency. It’s a smart turn around on the old system: You play, and ads get in the way. With Jampp, you choose to participate, and it boosts your play.

You still have to watch an ad, fill out a survey, or download an app, but you get something for it. And, of course, the game’s developer profits as well.

Jampp’s approach is motivated by Latin America realities – as we reported, mobile gaming is a stronger trend in Latin America, while the percentage of users who pay for games is lower than in other markets. Do you think such a way to make money than outside runescapeglod studio but also be able to make money, if you need runescape gold, please pay attention to: http://www.buyingrs.com/

